How To Make Sure Your Grandchildren Are Financially Literate By the End of Summer, and Have Them Actually ENJOY It

Do you want your grandchildren to be financially secure?  

Are you worried they don’t know enough about money in today’s economy?

If you’re like most grandparents, you want what is best for your grandchildren.  Money problems are a leading cause of stress and unhappiness for adults in this country, and unfortunately things aren’t looking any brighter for young adults in America.


Did you know these scary financial literacy statistics???

  • People in their early twenties are the fastest growing group of Americans filing bankruptcy
  • Over 40% of Generation Y don’t pay their bills on time every month
  • Almost 60% of those under 25 years old are not participating in their company’s 401k plan


Grandkids of all ages need to be taught personal finance skills, but who will teach them?

  • 69% of parents admit they don’t feel prepared to give their teenager guidance about investing (Charles Schwab’s “Parents & Money”)
  • The majority of teachers don’t give a financial education course because they feel unprepared to teach the subject. (“Taking Ownership of the Future,” Financial Literacy and Education Committee)


So who is going to help grandchildren learn these important money skills?



But hold on a second you say.  How can I teach financially literacy?  I don’t feel prepared.


Pirates of Financial Freedom is the answerClick here to learn more


The book teaches over 70 personal finance concepts including how to:

  • Improve your credit score
  • Pay down debt quickly
  • Automatically save for retirement
  • Think like the rich
  • Buy your first home
  • Invest in the stock market
  • Effectively budget
  • And much more


A book?  But won’t my grandkids think a personal finance book is BORING?


It’s true, most finance books are boring, but this book is different.  It is ENTERTAINING.  Pirates of Financial Freedom is an exciting adventure novel.


An adventure novel can teach personal finance?  Don’t believe it?


Believe it!  Here is an excerpt that talks about retirement savings and inflation (page 54 in the book)

“If all your friends jumped off the plank, would you?” asked Joey.
“Ha, no,” said Sandy.
“Saving for retirement can be tough, especially when fighting against two powerful enemies.”
Owen became tense and looked around. “Show me the enemies and I’ll show ‘em me blade.”
“I don’t think your cutlass will do any good against these enemies,” said Joey.
“I bet it will!” Owen exclaimed as he drew his sword, spinning around to look for the opponents.
“We’ll see. The first enemy is inflation.”
“Inflation?” Owen looked perplexed as he put away his cutlass.
“I be knowing that,” said Rusty. “The other day I saw a kid with a circular plastic inflation. He tried to attach it to the back of our ship with a rope to ride the waves.”
Joey smirked. He was starting to find Rusty’s bizarre comments amusing. “No, that’s an inflatable tube. Inflation is how things tend to cost more over time. For example, about seventy years ago you could go see a movie and get popcorn for one dollar. You could buy a Hershey bar for ten cents about fifty years ago. And twenty years ago gasoline was less than one dollar per gallon.”
Owen said, “I’ve never been to a movie, bought a Hershey bar, or driven a car. What does that have to do with us?”
Joey tried to put the concept into pirate terms. “How much does a bottle of rum cost today?”
“Twenty doubloons,” said Owen.
“In forty years, assuming a modest 2% annual inflation rate, that same bottle of rum will cost more than forty doubloons.”
Owen got upset that something he had never heard of would make his rum more expensive. “Argh, inflation. I’ll cleave it to the brisket!”


This book is the first of its kind, and people are EXCITED by about it.  People are saying it is the best way to learn financial literacy, ever.


Don’t your grandkids deserve the best? Give them the gift of financial literacy


Want to hear the best part?


Get this book for each of your grandkids, and you can get them all together at once to read it and share lessons.

Imagine having a great reason to get all the grandkids together at one time.  You can laugh at the jokes from the book together, you can share your knowledge and wisdom with them based on money lessons you’ve learned over the years, and you can have a REAL and in-depth conversation.   And because the book is entertaining, they will WANT TO COME SEE YOU.


So what are you waiting for?


Buy a copy for all your grandkids, give them a bright financial future, and read it together to form a deeper and stronger relationship.  Click here to save $5 right now